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Specifications change

Home > Specifications change > Winding Part Cover - Self-winding filter KURU KURU Filter

Winding Part Cover - Self-winding filter KURU KURU Filter

September 17, 2020

We would like to inform you of the specification change in the top cover of the winding part of the following products aiming at functional improvement.
Your understanding and continued business are highly appreciated.

Affected products

Self-winding filter KURU KURU Filter
Model : OKF-A160-BT, OKF-A350-BT

Description of change

  • Winding Part Cover : Material and surface finish
  • Winding torque : Increased from 1.0 kgf to 1.5 kgf
  • Number of magnet fixing points : Increased from 3 points to 4 points
Before change

Material: Aluminum/Color: Painted black

After change

Material: Plastic/Color: Transparent (no painting)

Schedule for change

Starting from October 2020 as soon as present stock has run out
*It may happen that the existing products and new ones will be shipped together during at the beginning period of switching over.


・There is no change in models and prices.
・Switchover time differs by model depending on each stock condition.

For further details, please contact us.
* The contents of this article are as of September 2020.